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Adbhut Temple (अद्भुत मंदिर ) is located on the Sapt Sarovar Marg in Haripur Kalan and 8 Km far from Har Ki Pauri. In the year 2000, it’s started to build and it has taken 16 years to complete. Finally, Adbhut Mandir was inaugurated by the CM of Uttarakhand Mr. Harish Rawat Ji in 2016. This religious shrine was founded by Mahamandleshwar Bhooma Pithadhiswar Swami Achyutanand Ji Maharaj. Entrance of this temple is marvelous, you will never forget if you once visited. Adbhut Temple is a unique, has an attractive and huge space for Indian Gods & Goddess. Everywhere you will feel peace and peace. The location of this temple is unique you can see the green mountains, plain ground & the sound of Mother Ganga makes this place different. Adbhut Temple is out of the noisy and crowded location. When you will be here, you will feel in yourself calmness and peacefulness. It is one of the must place to visit in Haridwar
Opening Hours of Adbhut Mandir
Mandir opening hours is from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM and In Evening Time 3:00 PM to 8:00 PM
How to Reach Adbhut Temple in Haridwar, India
It’s only 8 km far from Haridwar, 22 km from Rishikesh, 228 km from Delhi, & 60 km from Dehradun. Rickshaw and Auto (Tuk-Tuk) are also available for the Temple.
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