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Monday 31 March
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Shantikunj is one of the most famous estimable Ashrams in Haridwar.The Ashram is ballpark 5 kilometers from ‘Hari ki Pouri’. Shantikunj was founded by Pandit Sri Ram Sharma Acharya, a Freedom Fighter, Saint and Philosopher. The followers of Sri Ram Shrma congregate at the Ashram in order to live out the devout meditation with ‘Gayatri Mantra’. There is a particular meditation hall in the Ashram premises which possesses an enormous and ideal environment of meditation. Gayatri is known as ‘Vedmata’ (mother of Vedas). Although there are different mantras to chant and to meditate but the Gayatri Mantra was an undisclosed mantra in ancient India that had to be whispered to the disciple by the Guru however now it is chanted by everyone.

, Shanti KunjHaridwarUttarakhand249410India
Location: Shanti Kunj
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