Friday 28 March
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Find the relevant information about haridwar dharamshala where they offers to you best services to stay in dharamshala. Haridwar is also known as a place of Dharamshala’s. There are roughly more than 400 Ashrams and Dharamshalas in Haridwar which can accommodate more than 20000 pilgrims. Ashrams and Dharamshala’s provide basic facilities and in return they charge very nominal fees. Here are details of some of them..
Chandigarh Bhawan Haridwar
Location: Haripur Kalan, Shanti KunjGovind Bhawan Dharamshala
Location: Laltaropul, Railway RoadJagadhri Dharamshala
Location: Sapt Sarovar, Shanti KunjTayal Dharamshala
Location: Motichur