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Monday 31 March
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One of the oldest Ayurvedic Colleges in the country established in 1922, offers 5 years and 6 months BAMS degree. The college is recognized by CCIM, New Delhi.
State Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Gurukul Kangri Haridwar, is amongst the oldest Ayuvedic College of the country. This educational institute was established in 1922 by renound social reformer,freedom fighter and
Aryasamaji,Swami Shraddha Nand ji, to save the Hindu culture, traditions, Philosophy namely Vedas, Ayurveda, Sanskrit, AstrologyThe college was provincialized by the State Govt. on dated10th August 1978 and is presently governed by the State Govt.of Uttarakhand and affiliated to H.N.B. Central University, Srinagar , Garhwal (Uttarakhand ). It is one of the leading educational institute imparting Teaching and Training in the field of Ayurvedic Medical Education.


The college campus is located in a natural and peaceful environment and surrounded by different varieties of fruit plants, medicinal plants, herbs and shrubs, at the bank of holy river Ganges, on Haridwar-Delhi national highway and is distanced about 5 Kms from Haridwar Railway Station and Bus Stand.Distance from State capital Dehradoon is about 55Kms and from national capital New Delhi is about 200 Kms.Nearest airport is Jolly grant (Dehradun) which is about 40 Kms from the campus.


College is offering a regular 5 years 6 months B.A.M.S. (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery) degree course, which is recognized by C.C.I.M.( Central council of Indian Medicine ) New Delhi. Admission to this course is done by written entrance examination ( PAT Uttrakhand ) on purely merit basis for 50 seats every year. Required qualification is PCB class 12th in minimum 50% PCB aggregate marks.


There are 14 departments namely
1 Sharir Rachana (Anatomy)
2 Sharir Kriya(Physiology)
3 Samhita.Sanskrit and Sidhanta(Basic Principles)
4 Rog and Vikriti Vigyan( Pathology)
5 Swasthavritta(Hygiene)
6 Agad Tantra ( Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology)
7 Dravya guna (Phamacology snd Pharmacognosy)
8 Rasa shastra(Pharmacy)
9 Kayachikitsa ( General Medicine )
10 Shalya Tantra( General Surgery )
11 Shalakya Tantra( Eye and E.N.T.)
12 Prasooti and Stri Rog (Obstetrics and Gynaecology)
13 Bal Rog ( Paediatrics)
14 Pancha karma


For the training of the students and treatment of the patients, there exists O.P.D’s 0f all clinical departments along with a well equipped 150 bedded Hospital where in- patients of various disorders are managed with ayurvedic therapy by specialist of different branches. A well equipped Operation Theatre, labour Room, pathological Lab.,X-Ray ,E.E.G., E.C.G., Kshar sutra Clinic and Pancha-karma Clinic ,render services to the patients.
Patients of various chronic ailments like Osteo-Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Gouty Arthritis, Asthma and Bronchial Allergy, Ascites, Diabetes,Intestinal Disorders,Liver Diseases,Heart diseases, Epilepsy,Mal-nutrition related diseases of the children, Infertility, Skin disorders, Leucorrhoea and other gynaecological diseases ,Fracture and dislocation, Fistula in Ano, Fissure in ano,Piles, Anal Prolapse, Chronic Ulcers, Urinary disorders, musculo skeletal disorders and autoimmune diseases etc are managed effectively with Ayurvedic management.


College has a rich Herbal Garden where in more than 400 medicinal plants are available for identification ,training and research

Gurukul Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, JagjitpurHaridwarUttarakhand249404India
+91 1334 246 563, Jagjitpur
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