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Uttaranchal Test Tube Baby Clinic & Research Center, a unit of “Prem Hospital & Research Center” has been serving the common masses of Haridwar & Uttarakhand from last 21 years in solving their health related issues. Our primary objective is to help people find a safe way to parenthood in lower cost. The programs are decided after detailed consultation, diagnosing and counseling by our experienced doctors, under the expert supervision and guidance of Dr. Sandhya Sharma. Our expertise in IVF, maternity for high risk pregnancy, laparoscopy and different kind of treatments for both female and male partners helps towards our aim to provide help for a good parenthood to every couple. We aim for delivery of a healthy baby, not just conceiving of one. Uttaranchal Test Tube Baby Clinic & Research Center strives to give the best to the patient’s body, mind and soul.
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