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Bilkeshwar Mahadev temple is devoted to Lord Shiva and his Consort. The temple is very close to haridwar railway station and can be reached by foot. Temple is surrounded by woods in slightly hilly area. A sloppy road connects the temple to commercial and residential area of balmiki colony.
According to hindu religious text the temple is the place where Devi Parvati worshiped Shiva, and when Shiva appeared she asked him to accept her as his wife. Meaning of Bilkeshwar is ‘god of bilva’. Bel-patra or bilva is ‘leaf of bel’. Bel is mentioned as sacred and auspicious tree in Puranas. Every part of bel tree is believed to have medicinal qualities.
Bel leaf is trifoliate signifying three eyes of Shiva, trikaal, past, present, future and represents trinity Bhramha, Vishnu, Mahesh. Belpatra is one of the most important ingredients which are used for the worship of Lord Shiva. In the middle of the courtyard is the main temple of Shiva, in the form of Linga. Temple is situated in the shades of tall and big trees, hence the surroundings are cool and relaxing. On the walking distance, there is one Yagya-shala (place made for yagya) and little further is the temple of Maa Parvati, where she meditated for Lord Shiva.
To reach Bilkeshwar, one should reach the railway station or bus station of Haridwar first.You can get an auto from there to balmiki colony, just on the other side of railway station.And those who would like to make it on foot can walk to the other end of railway station, via stairs made for platforms. The temple is 25 minutes away from station, through the streets of Balmiki colony.
Temple is opened for tourists and devotees from 6am till 9pm, Taking pictures in temple premises is allowed. Temple can be visited anytime in whole year but the time from March till may and from August-November is best time to visit.
+Monday | 06:00 am – 09:00 pm |
Tuesday | 06:00 am – 09:00 pm |
Wednesday | 06:00 am – 09:00 pm |
Thursday | 06:00 am – 09:00 pm |
Friday | 06:00 am – 09:00 pm |
Saturday | 06:00 am – 09:00 pm |
Sunday | 06:00 am – 09:00 pm |
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