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Monday 31 March
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Shri Gita Kutir Tapovan Ashram was established in 1974 by saint Sri Gita Nand ji Maharaj. The ashram is devoted to social work, social welfare and to selfless service of saints, yogis and monks.

Bhandara, (collective dining ) is held for about 500 to 1500 yogis and saints every evening. Beside this there is a widow ashram, and a Sanskrit school ran by ashram, along with computer education institute, for 1000 students, who lives here in hostels free of cost, the ashram look after the needs of these children. Ashram owns a dairy, which has 1000 to 1500, cows, looked after by the ashram staff and the students.

There is a tomb of swami gita nand ji maharaj in ashram premises, which is the scripture of modern architect and spiritual art of meditation. Every month the ashram, distribute free goods to poor people.

Education in Gita Kutir Ashram :

Ashram has Sanskrit university, where thousands of students take higher education. The university is based on all modern teaching methods and facilities. computer lab and English classes are given for free.

Gita Kutir tapovan, Sapt SarovarHaridwarUttarakhand249410India
01334-260663Location: Sapt Sarovar
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